River City

To enable the River City Men’s Chorus to share with you and the Central Arkansas community the exciting musical gifts of our talented singers, we ask that you consider becoming a Patron supporter. Your generous gift will allow us to present our next season of premier music with no cost to our audiences. Thank you sincerely for considering a tax-deductable gift to River City Men's Chorus today! Levels of membership are:
We value every donation, regardless of the amount!
As an expression of our gratitude for your generosity we offer the gifts/recognition outlined below:
CONDUCTOR’S CIRCLE — donations during a 12-month period totaling $1000 or more
Opportunity to visit one RCMC dress rehearsal per year for a behind-the-scenes look at a concert before it goes live. Enjoy coffee and pastries and mingle with the chorus
1 reserved parking space at the Fall, Holiday and Spring concerts
2 reserved seats at the Fall, Holiday and Spring concerts
Recognition in concert printed programs
DIAMOND CIRCLE — donations during a 12-month period totaling $500-$999
Opportunity to visit one RCMC dress rehearsal per year for a behind-the-scenes look at a concert before it goes live. Enjoy coffee and pastries and mingle with the chorus.
Recognition in concert printed programs
PLATINUM CIRCLE — donations during a 12-month period totaling $300-$499
Recognition in concert printed programs
GOLD CIRCLE — donations during a 12-month period totaling $200-$299
Recognition in concert printed programs
SILVER CIRCLE — donations during a 12-month period totaling $100-$199
Recognition in concert printed programs
BRONZE CIRCLE — donations during the 12-month period totaling $25-$99
Recognition in concert printed programs
If you’re donating using a check you will need to PRINT OUT the Friends Form, fill it out, include your check made payable to “RCMC" and mail the Friends Form to:
Patrons of River City Men's Chorus
6834 Cantrell Road #180
Little Rock , AR 72207
River City Men’s Chorus participates in the “Kroger Community Rewards”
program and earns cash each time you use your Kroger Plus Shoppers Card.
You can check on your account by visiting
RCMC community rewards number
is #DW860.
If you don’t have a Kroger Card, just pick one up at the customer service counter at any Kroger store.